Abapromex Versión de Odoo 14.0
Información sobre Abapromex instancia de Odoo, el ERP de código abierto.
Aplicaciones instaladas
- Website Hide Price for Not Logged In User
- Hide Price for Not Logged In User in Website Sale, Hide Price in Shop, Hide Product Price, Hide Price for Public Users, Hide Price, Hide prices for public users
- Odoo All In One Product Image Display
- Display product image on sale order, purchase order, stock picking, and in all related reports.
- Ventas
- De presupuestos a facturas
- Facturación
- Facturas y pagos
- Seguimiento de clientes potenciales y oportunidades próximas
- Sitio web
- Constructor de sitio web empresarial
- Inventario
- Gestione sus actividades de stock y logística.
- Compra
- Órdenes de compra, licitaciones y acuerdos.
- Comercio electrónico
- Venda sus productos online
- Empleados
- Centralice la información de los empleados
- Internal Reference On Website Product
- Internal Reference On Product
- Sales Order Minimum Quantity
- Set minimum sales quantity limit on product
- Odoo Website Product Labels & Stickers on Shop
- App website different stickers for product website product Ribbon Website Product Labels website product pin website labels eCommerce Product Ribbons webshop label pin webshop Product tag website label pin Website product item Ribbon Stickers tags pins
- Odoo Website Product Video
- App helps to add video on product which will be displayed on Odoo shop website video product video webstore video place shop product video shop video in website webshop product videos product video on web shop item video eCommerce product video on website
- Website Product Attachments | Product Attachments on Website
- This module enables website administrators to post file attachments to items, which may then be downloaded by website users or visitors.
- Product Catalog Generator With Different Style App
- Generate Product Catalogue Product Catalog Generator Generate Product Catalog with Different Style Product Different Style Catalog Create Product Catalog Add Product Catalog Brand Generate Product Catalogue Generator Design you Own Product Catalog Create
- Popup Message
- create Success, warnings, alert message box wizard,success popup message app, alert popup module, email popup module odoo
- Add To cart Ajax | Quantity Option At Shop Product List
- Quantity Option In Shop Page, QTY Selection Option On Product Page, Ajax Shop Cart, Add Product To Cart Quickly, Cart Without Page Reload, Add To Cart Window In Shop Page,Cart Open Without Page Redirect, Ajax Website Cart Module Odoo
- Inventory Tags | Incoming Order Tags | Delivery Order Tags | Scrap Orders Tags | Internal Transfer Tags
- Inventory Tags Module, Stock Tags App, Incoming Order Tags, Delivery Order Tags, IO Tags, DO Tags, Warehouse Tag, Shipment Tags, Internal Transfer Tags Odoo
- Website Sales Category Custom View
- Show the ecommerce product category as a slider
- Conversaciones
- Chat, puerta de enlace al correo y canales privados
- Contactos
- Centralice su libreta de direcciones
- Calendario
- Programa las reuniones de empleados
- Charla en vivo
- Chatea con los visitantes de tu sitio web
- Tableros
- Cree sus propios tableros
- Notas
- Organice su trabajo con recordatorios
- Medio de pago Paypal
- Medio de pago: Implementación Paypal